Micheline Roquebrune and Sean Connery – 44 Years Together

Sean Connery only had one failed marriage, and it was with the late Australian actress Diane Cilento. The iconic actor tried another shot at love again, and this time, it is a love that lasts. Connery married Micheline Roquebrune in 1975. She is the Moroccan-French painter that caught the legendary actor’s heart. For 44 years, they remain married. As a painter and an artist, they surely have made investments together.

Today, Connery is already 89-years-old, while Roquebrune is 90. With the time that they have spent together, they only prove that love can withstand all trials. The first try at love is not always the one we are destined to have, and though Connery and Cilento might have had great times together, they were not meant for each other. It’s a good thing that they finally found the ones who are really for them, because that made them so much happier.
